Tax Research Insights

Welcome! This site shares posts written by authors of the Department’s annual research reports. The researchers highlight interesting findings from the reports they produce. Each post focuses on a key idea from their research.

Estimating the Impacts of Hawaiʻi’s 2024 Tax Cut Bill

Estimating the Impacts of Hawaiʻi’s 2024 Tax Cut Bill

The Governor signed tax bill H.B. 2404 H.D. 1, S.D.1, C.D.1 into law, becoming Act 46 SLH 2024. The tax law change, known as the Green Affordability Plan II (GAP II), significantly reduces Hawaiʻi’s individual income tax liability for everyone in the state. It...

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Comparing Hawaii’s Income Tax Burden to Other States

Comparing Hawaii’s Income Tax Burden to Other States

This post looks at how Hawaii’s individual income tax burden compares to other states. The relative level of taxation is one of many factors affecting the economic competitiveness. The level of taxation must be assessed with other factors like the quality and quantity...

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Covid-19 reduced the usage of the Child Care Tax Credit

Covid-19 reduced the usage of the Child Care Tax Credit

A resident taxpayer may qualify for a tax credit that offsets some of the cost of childcare. The tax credit is called the Tax Credit for Child and Dependent Care Expenses. The credit is normally the third most commonly claimed tax credit, but it fell to fourth place...

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