Tax Research Insights

Welcome! This site shares posts written by authors of the Department’s annual research reports. The researchers highlight interesting findings from the reports they produce. Each post focuses on a key idea from their research.

What would recession do to Hawaii’s Tax Revenues?

What would recession do to Hawaii’s Tax Revenues?

There has been significant talk of a recession in the financial press. High levels of inflation have prompted the Federal Reserve (Fed) to take decisive action by raising the benchmark interest rates. Will the abrupt change in monetary policy cause a recession? And if...

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Hawaii’s individual income tax is progressive

Hawaii’s individual income tax is progressive

Higher income groups pay more in taxes relative to their income in Hawaii. A progressive tax structure is defined as one where higher income taxpayers pay a larger percentage of their income in taxes. By this metric, Hawaii’s individual income tax is clearly...

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Who benefits most from Hawaii’s Tax Credits?

Who benefits most from Hawaii’s Tax Credits?

This post highlights some interesting trends that emerged in the 2019 Report Tax Credits Claimed by Hawaii Taxpayers. Figure 5 from the report (see below) shows how welfare enhancing tax credits varies by income and some interesting results emerge: The Refundable...

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