Hawaii Tax Forms by Category
Income Taxes
- Individual Income Tax – Resident and Nonresident
- Partnership Income Tax
- Corporate Income Tax
- S Corporation Income Tax
- Employer’s Withholding of State Income Tax
- Exempt Organization Business Income Tax
- Fiduciary (Trust and Estate) Income Tax
- Franchise Tax
- REMIC – Real Estate Mortgage Investment Conduits Income Tax
General Excise, Use, Transient Accommodations, Rental Motor Vehicle, Tour Vehicle, and Car-Sharing Vehicle Surcharge Taxes
- General Excise and Use Tax
- Transient Accommodations Tax
- Rental Motor Vehicle, Tour Vehicle, and Car-Sharing Surcharge Tax
Other Taxes
- Banks and Financial Institutions
- Cigarette and Tobacco, and Liquor Tax
- Conveyance Tax
- Estate and Transfer Tax
- Fuel Tax
- HARPTA – Withholding Tax on Sales of Hawaii Real Property by Nonresident Persons
- Public Service Company Tax
- Miscellaneous Forms
See also:
The Department of Taxation does NOT list all forms on the web site. Several forms are on NCR paper and must be obtained from the tax office.
If you need any forms which are not on this list, please call our Taxpayer Services Forms Request Line at 808-587-4242 or 1-800-222-3229.

Viewing and printing forms and instructions, requires Adobe Reader. Download a free Reader by clicking on the “Get Adobe Reader” icon. This links to the Adobe web site, where step-by-step instructions are available. Please review the System Requirements first.
Version 9.0 or higher is recommended. The G-45 and N-11 require Version 9.0 or higher.
To print the forms, your printer should be configured to the following specifications:
- 8-1/2″ x 11″ pages, high resolution, portrait images.
Print only from the Adobe print menu WITHIN your web browser. If you experience trouble accessing any of the forms on-line, try downloading the form file to your hard drive.
- Right-click (Windows) or hold down the mouse button (Mac OS) on the link to the desired form file.
- Choose “Save Link As” (Firefox) or “Save Target As” (Explorer) from the pop-up menu.
- In the “Save As” dialog box, specify a name and location for the file, then choose “Source” as the format.
- Close your Web browser application and open the form file through Adobe Reader.
All of the 2004 Hawaii tax forms are available in two formats: standard and writable. The standard formatted forms are pdf files, optimized for quicker download. The writable formatted forms are pdf files that have been created with fillable fields, so your tax return can be filled in on your computer. For more information on fillable fields, please see our FAQs.
Attention Users:
To ensure your privacy, a “Clear Form” button has been placed on all writable forms. If you are working on a public or a shared computer, after filling out your tax information and printing your form, please click on the “Clear Form” button to clear all tax information from the form.
HINT: If you select a form, it appears to download, but your screen appears blank, try clicking the “RELOAD” or “REFRESH” button on your browser.
Note: The Department of Taxation’s forms and instructions, as well as many brochures, newsletters, and reports are provided as pdf files. You will need the Adobe Reader to view these documents. For more information about pdf files, please see our FAQs.
Page Last Updated: December 6, 2021