Data Dashboards

Welcome to the DOTAX Data Dashboards. The Dashboards allow users to easily download and interact with data from DOTAX’s official reports. Note that the monthly and annual reports remain the official source of information released by the Department. It is the reports that should be used for official record keeping.



Where does the data come from?

The data comes from the DOTAX report linked on the dashboard page. In the case of the Collections Data Dashboard, the portal uses data from the Preliminary Comparative Report for recent months if the Collections and Distributions report is not yet available. The published DOTAX report is the official source of information released by the Department and should be used as the ultimate source of reference. The data dashboards aggregate information from the official report.

What are data dashboards?

Data portals allow users to interact with and manipulate data provided in the Department’s statistical reports

Can I look a data in different time periods?

Yes, use the Date Filter to specify the time period of interest

Can I access the underlying data?

Yes! Simply download the data by hovering over the top right corner of the charts or tables and clicking on the three dot

What if I have questions about the data portals?

Please send comments and inquiries to